Petanux - Intelligence Meets Innovation

Projects Category: Erasmus Projects

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SkoPS EU Project

Empowering the European Workforce Development through Online/Virtual Skills Training for Digital Transformation towards Mitigating the Impact of Pandemic Situations (SkoPS) According to the survey of the World Economic Forum, Digital Transformation, especially in Industry (Industry IoT / IIoT), is one of the top technological drivers of change for the future of jobs, employment, skills, and

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IoTRAIN EU Project

Master of Engineering in the Internet of Things (IoTRAIN) According to the survey of the World Economic Forum, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is one of the top technological drivers of change for the future of jobs, employment, skills, and workforce strategy in the 4th Industrial Revolution. According to Forbes prediction, embedded smart sensors,

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Discovering job Knowledge through Web Analytics towards facilitating the mobility of European Professionals and Refugees Career Integration (DISKOW) Improving job knowledge, competencies, and skills of job seekers is essential to increase their employability and reduce the risk of poverty and social exclusion. According to the European Commission (EC), proper development and use of job knowledge,

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Innovation und Unternehmer/innentum für Hochschulabsolvent/innen durch Datenanalyse (GraDANA)

The GraDAna is a cross-national project bringing together higher education institutions (HEIs) and SMEs. It aims at curriculum development and staff training on the topic of data analytics. The project improves the entrepreneurship and employability of HE graduates by elevating their competencies in the emerging field of Data Analytics (DA). Involved European partners have outstanding
